Several years after Jax defeated the Hybrid, a new threat arrives from the sky, unleashing the dangerous powers of the dark Elex and endangering all life on the planet. To defend peace in Magalan and the safety of his own family, Jax has to undertake a mission to convince the factions to unite against the invaders and find his own son, Dex, who separated from him...
Immerse yourself in a huge, handmade and completely unique world with multiple factions and diverse environments set in a post-apocalyptic science and fantasy universe.The game lets you
explore Magalan's planet with unprecedented freedom, using your trusted jetpack to traverse the map and even fly.interact with an inhabited world, full of unique NPCs, who
will remember what you have done and react accordingly
will join or leave their party depending on how they behave can be killed, which will have an effect on the storyparticipate in fluid and ranged melee combat with a vastly improved
control system Experience a story where your actions have consequences, immersing you in a world of moral
Immerse yourself in a huge, handmade and completely unique world with multiple factions and diverse environments set in a post-apocalyptic science and fantasy universe.The game lets you
explore Magalan's planet with unprecedented freedom, using your trusted jetpack to traverse the map and even fly.interact with an inhabited world, full of unique NPCs, who
will remember what you have done and react accordingly
will join or leave their party depending on how they behave can be killed, which will have an effect on the storyparticipate in fluid and ranged melee combat with a vastly improved
control system Experience a story where your actions have consequences, immersing you in a world of moral
Initial release date: March 1, 2022
Genres: Role-playing Video Game, Adventure game, Fighting game, Shooter Video Game
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Platform: PC
- Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system.
- OS: Windows 10, 64 Bit.
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 3 3100 / Intel Core i5-7400.
- Memory: 12 GB RAM.
- Graphics: Radeon RX 5600 XT / Geforce GTX 1060.
- DirectX: Version 11.